Sunday, July 24, 2011

People of the new generation

I'm excited that this post will be archived, and my great-grandkids will stumble upon it one day. Unlike my grandpa's generation, we can now record all our online activities, and boy, do I have a lot to share! Reading about their experiences would be epic, and I'm sure I'll learn a thing or two that's still relevant today. Everything I do will be visible to people 100 years from now! Can you imagine that? Unless, of course, Blogspot suddenly disappears - fingers crossed that doesn't happen!

I remember ten years ago when I tried to create a website to start an e-diary. It's hilarious to think about it now, but thanks to Blogger, I no longer need to go through all that trouble! It's so easy; I can't believe I ever thought it was hard.

Okay, let's get serious for a minute. The Land Transportation Office (LTO) needs to get its act together. Its unnecessary rules and documentation must be updated, and corruption remains rampant. We need to push for change and demand better services! But enough about that. I gotta get back to work. Stay awesome, folks!

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